"I can't praise van Zwanenberg enough for his superb historical analysis and gripping journey through time and mind."

- Dr Jim Macgregor, author of Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War, and Prolonging the Agony

What People Are Saying


“Roger van Zwanenberg is to be commended for making his Wealth and Power so widely available as a free blog for it is too seldom, if ever, that one sees such a critical view of the rise to dominance of Europe and capitalist industrialisation through the exploitation and destruction of pre-existing highly-sophisticated cultures and empires.”

— Kevin Shillington, historian and author of History of Africa, 4th edition 2019

“Amidst historical amnesia, causal simplifications and intellectual shortcuts, Wealth and Power takes us back to the deep history that is inevitably required for an honest and complete reading and understanding of global affairs. Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg's penetrating work is a rare offering of the meta-reading of past and present history that is so needed today.”

— Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Professor of International History, Graduate Institute, Geneva

“It is impressive just for the sheer scale of what you are attempting. Historical context like this is both liberating in the sense of understanding and thus having further tools for overcoming oppression, but alas also intimidating because it starkly presents the overwhelming consistency of such oppression.”

— Christopher Doran, PhD, author of Making the World Safe for Capitalism.

"A critical and timely book that must be circulated widely. Dr. Van Zwanenberg's writing style is very inviting as it breaks down complex issues in an easy to comprehend and retain way."

— Dr Ramzy Baroud, Founder and Editor in Chief The Palestine Chronicle

"Since Roger started his blogs, I have looked forward to each Friday's addition as a weekend bonus. His ability to cover a wide sweep of history with unexpected insights and perspectives has been a real treat and frequently quite an eye opener."

— Professor Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford

“A tour de force into the global history of inhumanity and the brave struggles against it.”

— Professor Ilan Pappe: College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter


“A series of blogs offering an unusual opportunity to see the current crises into perspective utilizing historical lenses. It is an excellent series for use by academics, activists and community leaders in analyzing their activities and programs using this framework. Roger has provided us with the tools, now we need to use them.”

— Dr. Patricia Rodney, Founder of the Walter Rodney Foundation, USA

“The whole idea of looking at global capitalism and the unending disaster it has unleashed on humanity with a historical kaleidoscope is quite fascinating and a must-read for present and future generations of thought leaders across the world. As an economic historian, Prof Roger van Zwanenberg has explained it seamlessly so well that even an average reader can relate to and enjoy it.”

— Naufil Shahrukh, Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) – Islamabad Paklistan

 “Looks spectacular, Braudel-esque: If you want to understand how the 'West' dominated most of the world for centuries, then follow Roger van Zwannenberg 's blog. He explains, in clear jargon-free language, the various strategies employed to exploit and impoverish countries of the 'South'.

— Emeritus Professor David Dabydeen (University of Warwick),
Director, Ameena Gafoor Institute


“A fascinating ‘big picture’ perspective. Looking forward to future posts.”

 Miles Litvinoff, Writer and Campaigner

“This looks most interesting. I particularly like the idea of looking at the world as if the non-European parts mattered.”

— Jan Toporowski, Professor of Economics and Finance at SOAS and Visiting Professor of Economics, Meiji University, Tokyo.

''Both fascinating and enjoyable to follow - a brilliant eclectic thinker drawing links across geographies and times''. 

— Ian Marshall


"I have read all the blogs with great interest so far, especially blog 8!! It gets clearer to me now that the base of European slavery had been private property and racism (in contrast to slavery in the ancient world)."

 Rosemarie Newman Heims, Author

“In Wealth and Power, Roger van Zwanenberg has used what is clearly a depth of learning to produce a stimulating and considered account of human history, one which is at once both scholarly and accessible.”

— Steve McGiffen, Author and former advisor on environmental politics to the European Parliament

''We have really enjoyed your blog- it is so important this whole rethink of colonialism and view of history from a more global perspective.''. 

— Brigid Sheppard


“As always, Roger van Zwanenberg’s humanity comes shining through in his unflinching examination of the history of colonialism and the effect it has had around the world. Van Zwanenbeg’s blog, Wealth and Power, allows readers to piece together the long history of colonialism’s contributions and devastations, always keeping in mind that Colonial contributions were rarely, if ever, intended for the benefit of the colonized and oppressed. Van Zwanenbeg demonstrates that the colonization was always for the benefit of the Colonizer, and most often included any brutal means to achieve its mission, including enslavement, torture, and the murder of millions of indigenous peoples around the world. One can only hope against all odds, that after understanding the history laid out in Wealth and Power, the biblical quote: “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” would be taken to heart by nations—that have abused their own inhabitants and the inhabitants of other nations around the world—to make restitution and create a more just and viable future for mankind.”

— Thea Halo, author of Not Even My Name