Wealth and Power: Global Transformation and Destruction Over 500 years, from 1500 to the Present Day

“Amidst historical amnesia, causal simplifications and intellectual shortcuts, Wealth and Power takes us back to the deep history that is inevitably required for an honest and complete reading and understanding of global affairs. Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg's penetrating work is a rare offering of the meta-reading of past and present history that is so needed today.”

— Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Professor of International History, Graduate Institute, Geneva
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“...This is a work in the class of Braudel, McNeill, and other world history thinkers, passionate, synthetic and penetrating, and beautifully written. Must urgently come out in print to find its deserved mass readership."

Kees van der Pijl, political economist, author, peace and democracy advocate, retired Lecturer (University of Amsterdam), and Professor (University of Sussex) Twitter: @KeesvdPijl1

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“Struggles and riots are not isolated incidents but often reflect a culmination of a plethora of injustices. This book, now shared as a series of blogs offers an unusual opportunity to put the current crises into perspective utilizing a historical lense. It is an excellent series for use by academics, activists and community leaders in analyzing their activities and programs using this framework. Roger has provided us with the tools, now we need to use them.”

— Dr. Patricia Rodney, CEO at The Walter Rodney Foundation

What People Are Saying

"A critical and timely book that must be circulated widely. Dr. Van Zwanenberg's writing style is very inviting as it breaks down complex issues in an easy to comprehend and retain way."

— Dr Ramzy Baroud, Founder and Editor in Chief The Palestine Chronicle

"Since Roger started his blogs, I have looked forward to each Friday's addition as a weekend bonus.  His ability to cover a wide sweep of history with unexpected insights and perspectives has been a real treat and frequently quite an eye opener."

— Professor Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford

“A tour de force into the global history of inhumanity and the brave struggles against it.”

— Professor Ilan Pappe: College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter